Sunday, 29 September 2013


Today we looked at an article called 'Reading Lynx' in the Media Magazine, and we also analysized it going over key terms.

Firstly we looked at signsSigns tell you about the place your in, a person or relating to this advert; the advert in general. For example the producers of this advert makes you notice that the kitchen is not modern but it is a 1950's retro type kitchen. This links to the time when men had complete control over women and women were men's property.

Secondly we talked about codes.There were two types, cultural codes and technical codes. Cultural codes are a way of communicating through what the advert is trying to tell you, but for this you need to use your own knowledge to help you understand what it is trying to say. Technical codes include things such as lighting or camera angles. For example in this advert the back lighting is used to create a glowing effect of the woman's skin to make her look more gorgeous. Also a medium shot is used to her whole body can be used for the advert.

Textual analysis grids help to analyse the text you are looking at or reading. You start by picking key points (key art and key wording). For example; her tanned skin; the model is white her but skinned is tanned which connotes the healthy and natural glow of someone who relaxes in the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Lily, you remember the cultural and technical codes and so on very well, but where is the full and detailed analysis on the Lynx advertisement? You just refer to the kitchen but what about Lucy Pinder (apart from her sun tan)? Why was the ad banned?
    grade C
