Friday 6 December 2013


The episode I watched was one called 'Friend Face' and is basically about Jen introducing Roy and Moss to a new social networking website called Friend Face which is like FaceBook, and then realises that catching up with people from the past wasn't such a good idea and therefore turns out badly for all three of them. 
  • Stereotypical nerds in this case are amusing
  • There is a lot of adult humour
  • There was a lot of lying when moss was explaining about Jen and him self and was very unrealistic which made it funny.
  •  The audience find swearing very amusing
  •  All three of the characters were all in bad situation and they were very awkward about it which is comical in some aspects

Personally, I don't see the attraction of The IT Crowd as I don't find it funny in any way because it is not my type of thing to watch and it just doesn't appeal to me