Sunday, 29 September 2013


Today we looked at an article called 'Reading Lynx' in the Media Magazine, and we also analysized it going over key terms.

Firstly we looked at signsSigns tell you about the place your in, a person or relating to this advert; the advert in general. For example the producers of this advert makes you notice that the kitchen is not modern but it is a 1950's retro type kitchen. This links to the time when men had complete control over women and women were men's property.

Secondly we talked about codes.There were two types, cultural codes and technical codes. Cultural codes are a way of communicating through what the advert is trying to tell you, but for this you need to use your own knowledge to help you understand what it is trying to say. Technical codes include things such as lighting or camera angles. For example in this advert the back lighting is used to create a glowing effect of the woman's skin to make her look more gorgeous. Also a medium shot is used to her whole body can be used for the advert.

Textual analysis grids help to analyse the text you are looking at or reading. You start by picking key points (key art and key wording). For example; her tanned skin; the model is white her but skinned is tanned which connotes the healthy and natural glow of someone who relaxes in the sun.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


In about 1998, Lucozade created their first animated advert featuring Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft. They chose this character because at the time she was a popular icon and also video games were still very new. Tomb Raider was one of the popular games invented, and that’s one of the reasons they chose this heroine.

Secondly, Lara Croft was seen as a role model. This advert was mainly made to appeal to men and yet it caught the eye of some women. This was because Lara was a strong, athletic woman who could fight and succeed all the time (even though it was in virtual form) this showed a lot of ‘girl power’ which was a big issue at the time.

The fact that Lara is ‘attractive’ also catches the eye of males. Even though her body is greatly out of proportion, also the fact that the actual game is more masculine than feminine for example; guns, killing, etc.

The messages that come across are very clear in the advert. Lucozade is a drink to boost your energy and yet still keeps you healthy. This is where Lara’s game comes in because it symbolizes her energy and her fitness. Also, because she is completely controlled by the company who made her and controlled her she therefore cannot embarrass herself like other celebrities usually do.

Overall the reasons why they chose Lara Croft are very clear and simple.

Thursday, 12 September 2013


The Hilltop Coca Cola advert was made in 1971, and was shot on a hilltop in Rome- hence the name ‘the hilltop advert’. The creative director Bill Backer had the idea for the advert one day when, sitting in the waiting room for a flight, he saw people chatting and talking over Coca Cola. He felt then that 'let's share a Coke' had a different meaning, about keeping people company and bringing the world together as one. He used this inspiration to create new lyrics ('I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company') to the song 'I'd like to teach the world to sing' by Roger Greenaway and Cook.

This advert was produced during the Vietnam War, when other countries were saying to America not to get involved and they did. The advert shows that America wasn’t all about war and conflict but about world peace and bringing everyone together- this also tied in nicely with the slogan made at the time ‘It’s the real thing’ which showed that Coca-Cola really was the real thing.

The messages given throughout the advert are very clear. There is a group of people singing together in ‘harmony’ which is effective because they are singing about peace and harmony. The advert shows people enjoying each other’s company and coming together because of it. The main line is 'I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company'. This projects the image of Coca-Cola which symbolises bringing the world closer and people making friends all over the world. The main singer is a woman and the rest are all teenagers which show’s that the target audience is aimed at all ages.

The brand name, slogan and bottle are shown a lot throughout the advert, mainly close-ups of the teenagers in the advert holding the bottle with a big smile on their faces. This is a good marketing technique as it shows Coca-Cola can ‘make the world a better place’ or ‘make everything better’.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE COCA-COLA HILLTOP ADThe song was very popular at the time and over 100,000 people wrote letters to Coca-Cola, saying it should be played on the radio. It was then made into a single which sold many copies.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013



Establishing Shot

Mid Shot

Over the Shoulder/ Point Of View

Over the Shoulder/ Point Of View

Friday, 6 September 2013


Today was our first Media lesson. We had an introduction to what we would be doing throughout the course and the main types of mass media we would be doing. We then looked at some adverts, two were in the textbook and the other on YouTube. We looked at a 'Listerine' and a 'Kellog's' advert in the textbook and looked at body positioning and said whether it linked well to the product, being advertised, or not. We then watched the 'James Bond Coca-Cola Zero' advert on YouTube and discussed whether the advert linked to the film well or not. The reason we were looking at adverts was because we are going to create our own and do advertising.