10/09/14 | RESEARCH | THE ART
OF THE TITLE; Detectives
accessed ‘art of the title’ website analysed the opening to a French detective
series called ‘Détectives’. We went through each shot identifying how this
opening identifies its genre. It is easily identified as a TV opening as the
opening is going at a fast pace and show the characters in the programme, films
on the other hand are a lot more relaxed with the length of the titles as they
do not need to rush into the programme they can build tension up for the film.
The location is identified immediately as you find yourself on a ride
through les rues de Paris via a Google Streetview-style interface. The
soundtrack also states; “I made it to the city of lights”- the city of lights
is a nickname for Paris.
We can tell that it is a detective genre not only by the name
but by all the information and graphics thrown at you in the opening sequence
e.g. passport photos and information about (a possible suspect/victims) parents.
12/09/14 | RESEARCH | THE ART
OF THE TITLE 2; Sherlock Holmes
We accessed the ‘art of the title’ website and we watched the film
opening to Sherlock Holmes which I really enjoyed. We know that this opening is
set in Victorian times as the colour palette is very bleak and monochromatic.
One main colour/effect is sepia which connotes Victorian photographic methods.
The titles are all presented in cursive handwriting using pen and ink wash that
gives our eyes to visual noise which is presented by the splatters around the
different pages which also gives the photographs a foxed and mildewed look. CGI
is used here to make the graphics morph very cleverly into three different
styles; still photograph which is clearly taken from the moving image and then
it morphs into a pen and ink wash drawing which is re-animated and the process
is in reverse, this then cycles throughout the opening sequence. The soundtrack
gives the opening a really tense feeling.
9/10/14 | RESEARCH | THE ART
OF THE TITLE 3; Mission Impossible
I accessed the art of the title website and found the opening
sequence to Mission Impossible. I can tell that this is an action sequence as a
fuse is being lit which is trigger for action sequences. Scenes from the film
flash on and off of the screen, also being distributed with metal like credits
that shine with speed and urgency. The fuse then sparks at the end of the title
sequence which causes the title of the film to come onto the screen in big,
bold letters.
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